STK/Unit ChangeLog
This is a high level ChangeLog of what was added in STK/Unit public releases. There is also a To-Do, which lists the features that should be in future releases.
1.1.x (development)
- Results statistics are stored in a better way
- recent_test_summary_relational gone away
- Refactored out_format subsystem
- No more ASCII columns
- Error Codes
1.0.x (Release Candidate)
1.0.0-rc6 (2013-10-08)
- Now show_err works on 5.6 and 10.0
- No more obscure exceptions with server versions older than 5.5
- Fixed charset problems
- A Foreign Key now prohibits to change test_run IDs
- Moved meta_schema definition into meta.sql
- Specify missing CHARACTER SET & COLLATION clauses for databases and tables
- Tests: test_databases_character_sets, test_func_character_sets, test_routine_params_character_sets
- COMMITs after each SQL file
- meta_schema has changed
- SIGNAL & RESIGNAL executable comments from 5.4.4
- Errors CLASS_ORIGIN is always set to 'STK/Unit'
- Stricter variables during installation
- New asserts (plus not variants):
- assert_almost_equal
- assert_length
- assert_length_between
- assert_double_within_margin
- assert_datetime_within_margin
- assert_between_double
- assert_between_integer
- assert_between_text
- assert_between_datetime
- Removed a BT which didnt work on 5.1
1.0.0-rc5 (2013-06-13)
- Added an 'autocommit' option, which solves a usability problem caused by the new metadata lock
- If a test drops an STK/Unit's temptable, STK/Unit doesn't fail (which doesn't mean that playing with test info is supported!)
- Solved a rare obscure exception which could rise without an apparent reason
- Trivial code cleanups
1.0.0-rc4 (2013-05-01)
We still don't know if next release will be 1.0Stable. If we have to make non-trivial changes, or edit any part of the code which is not easily testable, we will release another RC.
- Often read options are now cached
- Make sure that AUTO_CLEAN works if foreign_key_checks is off (rare!)
- During installation, server bahavior is now strict
- Some table options for better Aria integrity and MEMORY performance
- BTs are now executed alphabetically, not in undefined order
- added ts() and tc() (was a trivial feature request)
- show_* routines
- Fix: #1174710
1.0.0-rc3 (2013-04-05)
MySQL 5.6 and 5.5 are now supported platforms!
- Fix: #1162515
- Modifying SQL files for installation on Oracle MySQL is no longer necessary
- Commented BTs in test_stk_unit_assertions contained errors
- Minor code cleaning
1.0.0-rc2 (2013-03-27)
- fixed some executable comments to work with MySQL 5.1
- restore old @@session.SQL_MODE after install
- renamed xml_replace() to xml_encode()
- added empty lines before & after report output, so it's more readable
- assert_sql_ok() internally transforms SELECT … into DO (SELECT …) to avoid an extra resultset.
- added README, INSTALL, VERSION informative files, removed old ugly
1.0.0-rc1 (2013-03-15)
First official release
page revision: 52, last edited: 08 Oct 2013 15:40